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Have you just gone shopping for a new skincare product and are super excited to try it out? Then to your horror the next morning you wake up with a breakout ? That would be disappointing to anyone after you’ve spent all that money on the new product. BUT WAIT! Don’t be so quick to toss the product in the trash. I’m here to share some tips to determine if the product you're using is causing an acne breakout or a reaction to your skin being introduced to a new product.
Imagine having a routine and doing that the same way for years. Then one day you decided to switch it up and add something new. You would now have to get used to this new routine would you not? The same idea can be applied to the skin and introducing new products. So it makes sense that introducing something foreign could produce a reaction. You have to give your skin time to adjust.
Does that mean every new product deserves a waiting period? How can I know if the product is actually causing an acne breakout? A great habit to form is to look at the ingredients. Commercial products love to brand their products as natural or like to focus on promoting this particular ingredient. But it's always great to question what is actually in this product? Am I allergic to an ingredient in the product? Is this product made with synthetic chemicals or additives? All great questions to ask and look out for. Researching is key to great skincare!
But there are many factors that can lead to an overnight breakout when trying new products. If you would like more information on the topic I suggest checking out the article I've linked below!